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For Researchers

This page provides information for those interested in using the SPGS Experimental Lab for their own research studies. 




Submitting a Proposal


1. Who is eligible to submit a proposal? 

Any faculty member, graduate student, undergraduate student (with faculty sponsor) or lecturer in SPGS can submit a proposal. 


2. When is the deadline for submission of a proposal? 

The deadline will be clearly listed in each email announcing the proposal competition. Typically, proposals are due a few weeks prior to the start of each semester. 


3. How to submit a proposal? 

All proposals must be emailed to Kim Fridkin at with the subject heading: experimental proposal.


4. How long should a proposal be?

Proposals should be a maximum of five pages (including references, tables, sample survey items). 


Proposals should include the following:

1. A title

2. A description of the study design.

3. An explanation of the importance of the study.

4. An explanation of the number of subjects needed for the experiment. (Most experiments are conducted with between 100 and 300 subjects).

5. A discussion of the length of the experiment.

6. An approximate date when you will be ready to run your experiment (after IRB approval)

7. Examples of sample questions and description of stimuli.

8. All studies utilizing the SPGS require IRB approval through ASU.  IRB approval, however, does not need to be obtained until after the proposal has been accepted.


The documents below are instructions for the various tasks necessary in order to run an experiment in the lab.

Requests for use of the lab and/or subjects are made directly to the SPGS Experimental Laboratory Director (Dr. Fridkin).  Prior to the start of each semester, a proposal competition is held to evaluate the experiments for the next semester.


SPGS Lab Proposal Competition  


During the summer (for experiments which will take place in the fall semester) and during the winter break (for experiments which will take place during the spring semester), an email is sent to faculty and graduate students in the School of Politics and Global Studies. Undergraduate students are also welcome to run experiments in the Lab with assistance from a faculty sponsor. Faculty are encouraged to spread the word of the proposal competition to their students. 


Utilizing our large and representative undergraduate population is a perfect way to collect experimental data for your research!


The SPGS Experimental Lab can help researchers run on-campus and online experiments as well as focus group studies. 


If you are interested in running an experiment for the upcoming semester in the SPGS Experimental Lab, we would like to encourage you to submit a proposal. The deadline for submission will be clearly listed in the invitation email.  Proposals submitted by instructors who have helped build the student subject pool will be considered first. We expect that we will be able to run 3-4 experiments during each semester. Please see the proposal requirements below and if you have any questions, please email Dr. Fridkin ( 



Requirements for Using the Lab

  1. Arizona State University affiliation – At least one member of your research team must be affiliated with Arizona State University. If the principal investigator is not an Arizona State University faculty member, then there must be a faculty sponsor associated with your study.

  2. IRB approval – All studies must be approved by the Institutional Review Board. Reviews are required for all proposed research involving human subjects to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected. ASU IRB has a great FAQ document (updated Jan 2024). ​​

  3. Lab use request  Requests for use of the lab and/or subjects are made directly to the Experimental Laboratory Director.

  4. Pilot run/testing – Researchers are responsible for organizing a time to test or pilot their study in the lab space before running subjects.

Image by zelle duda
Desert Dune

Why Use The SPGS Lab?

There are many advantages to running studies through the SPGS Experimental Lab. 


  1. Our lab is free for ASU students and faculty to utilize. 

  2. Our average subject pool size is 1,500 students which ensures researchers are provided an adequate number of respondents.

  3. 97% of students report they are satisfied with their participation experience. â€‹

  4. 88% report that participating in research studies in the Lab has made them more interested in conducting their own research in the future.

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